Quebec Music Teachers' Association

Helping music education thrive in Quebec.

The Quebec Music Teachers' Association is an incorporated non-profit organization bringing together music teachers who teach in various conservatories, colleges, music schools, universities, and private studios.

Membre de la CFMTA

Aims & Ideals

A commitment to quality music education in Quebec.


Fostering pedagogical growth and understanding among music teachers through cultural exchange.


Sharing and facilitating progressive ideas relating to all aspects of musical education


Moving towards the inclusion of all qualified music teachers in the province of Quebec.


Establishing and promoting the highest standards of professional music education.

Promo Passion Celine.
Montreal Classical Music Festival

Young talents who amaze.

The Montreal Classical Music Festival is a prestigious competition for young Canadian musicians aged 5 to 23 (30 for singers) whose teacher is a member of the Quebec Music Teachers’ Association.

Gagnant du festival de musique classique de Montréal.
École Vincent d'Indy
CFMTA 2025 National Conference in Montreal

A musical event not to be missed!

Immerse yourself in the heart of musical and educational innovation in one of Canada's most vibrant cities. Montreal, known for its European charm and cultural vibrancy, becomes the scene of an unprecedented event where music lovers, educators, and students come together to celebrate, learn and share.

Don't miss our upcoming events.

Club d'interprétation pour adultes avancés

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Semaine de la musique canadienne

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Club d'interprétation pour adultes débutants et intermédiaires

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Récital du père Noël du Club des petits

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Festival de musique classique de Montréal

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Récital du printemps

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General Meeting and Banquet

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Profs en action

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Montréal 2025 Congrès

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